Core Builtin Functions ======================================== .. highlight:: sh 1. BOMLOptimizer.meta_learner: - Aliases: - boml.boml_optimizer.BOMLOptimizer.meta_learner() :: boml.boml_optimizer.BOMLOptimizer.meta_learner( _input, dataset, meta_model='V1', name='Hyper_Net', use_t=False, use_warp=False, **model_args ) This method must be called once at first to build meta modules and initialize meta parameters and neural networks. - Args: - _input: orginal input for neural network construction; - dataset: which dataset to use for training and testing. It should be initialized before being passed into the function - meta_model: model chosen for neural network construction, `V1` for C4L with fully connected layer,`V2` for Residual blocks with fully connected layer. - name: name for Meta model modules used for BOMLNet initialization - use_t: whether to use T layer for C4L neural networks - use_warp: whether to use Warp layer for C4L neural networks - model_args: optional arguments to set specific parameters of neural networks. 2. BOMLOptimizer.base_learner: - Aliases: - boml.boml_optimizer.BOMLOptimizer.base_learner() :: boml.boml_optimizer.BOMLOptimizer.base_learner( _input, meta_learner, name='Task_Net', weights_initializer=tf.zeros_initializer ) This method has to be called for every experiment and takes responsibility for defining task-specific modules and inner optimizer. - Args: - _input: orginal input for neural network construction of task-specific module; - meta_learner: returned value of meta_learner function, which is a instance of BOMLNet or its child classes - name: name for Base model modules used for BOMLNet initialization - weights_initializer: initializer function for task_specific network, called by 'MetaRepr' method - Returns: task-specific model part 3. BOMLOptimizer.ll_problem: - Aliases: - boml.boml_optimizer.BOMLOptimizer.ll_problem() :: boml.boml_optimizer.BOMLOptimizer.ll_problem( inner_objective, learning_rate, T, inner_objective_optimizer='SGD', outer_objective=None, learn_lr=False, alpha_init=0.0, s=1.0, t=1.0, learn_alpha=False, learn_st=False, learn_alpha_itr=False, var_list=None, init_dynamics_dict=None, first_order=False, loss_func=utils.cross_entropy, momentum=0.5, beta1=0.0, beta2=0.999, regularization=None, experiment=None, scalor=0.0, **inner_kargs ) After construction of neural networks, solutions to lower level problems should be regulated in ll_problem. - Args: - inner_objective: loss function for the inner optimization problem - learning_rate: step size for inner loop optimization - T: numbers of steps for inner gradient descent optimization - inner_objective_optimizer: Optimizer type for the outer parameters, should be in list [`SGD`,`Momentum`,`Adam`] - outer_objective: loss function for the outer optimization problem, which need to be claimed in BDA agorithm - alpha_init: initial value of ratio of inner objective to outer objective in BDA algorithm - s,t: coefficients of aggregation of inner and outer objectives in BDA algorithm, default to be 1.0 - learn_alpha: specify parameter for BDA algorithm to decide whether to initialize alpha as a hyper parameter - learn_alpha_itr: parameter for BDA algorithm to specify whether to initialize alpha as a vector, of which every dimension's value is step-wise scale factor fot the optimization process - learn_st: specify parameter for BDA algorithm to decide whether to initialize s and t as hyper parameters - first_order: specific parameter to define whether to use implement first order MAML, default to be `FALSE` - loss_func: specifying which type of loss function is used for the maml-based method, which should be consistent with the form to compute the inner objective - momentum: specific parameter for Optimizer.BOMLOptMomentum to set initial value of momentum - regularization: whether to add regularization terms in the inner objective - experiment: instance of Experiment to use in the Lower Level Problem, especifially needed in the `MetaRper` type of method. - var_list: optional list of variables (of the inner optimization problem) - inner_kargs: optional arguments to pass to `boml.boml_optimizer.BOMLOptimizer.compute_gradients` - Returns: task-specific model part 4. BOMLOptimizer.ul_problem - Aliases: - boml.boml_optimizer.BOMLOptimizer.ul_problem() :: boml.boml_optimizer.BOMLOptimizer.ul_Problem( outer_objective, meta_learning_rate, inner_grad, meta_param=None, outer_objective_optimizer='Adam', epsilon=1.0, momentum=0.5, global_step=None ) This method define upper level problems and choose optimizer to optimize meta parameters, which should be called afer ll_problem. - Args: - outer_objective: scalar tensor for the outer objective - meta_learning_rate: step size for outer loop optimization - inner_grad: Returned value of boml.BOMLOptimizer.LLProblem() - meta_param: optional list of outer parameters and model parameters - outer_objective_optimizer: Optimizer type for the outer parameters, should be in list [`SGD`,`Momentum`,`Adam`] - epsilon: Float, cofffecients to be used in DARTS algorithm - momentum: specific parameters to be used to initialize `Momentum` algorithm - Returns:meta_param list, used for debugging 5. aggregate_all: - Aliases: - boml.boml_optimizer.BOMLOptimizer.aggregate_all() :: boml.boml_optimizer.BOMLOptimizer.aggregate_all( aggregation_fn=None, gradient_clip=None ) - Args: - aggregation_fn:Optional operation to aggregate multiple outer_gradients (for the same meta parameter),by (default: reduce_mean) - gradient_clip: optional operation to clip the aggregated outer gradients - Returns: None Finally, aggregate_all has to be called to aggregate gradient of different tasks, and define operations to apply outer gradients and update meta parametes. 6. run: - Aliases: - :: inner_objective_feed_dicts=None, outer_objective_feed_dicts=None, session=None, _skip_hyper_ts=False, _only_hyper_ts=False, callback=None ) - Args: - inner_objective_feed_dicts: an optional feed dictionary for the inner problem. Can be a function of step, which accounts for, e.g. stochastic gradient descent. - outer_objective_feed_dicts: an optional feed dictionary for the outer optimization problem (passed to the evaluation of outer objective). Can be a function of hyper-iterations steps (i.e. global variable), which may account for, e.g. stochastic evaluation of outer objective. - session: optional session - callback: optional callback function of signature (step (int), feed_dictionary, `tf.Session`) -> None that are called after every forward iteration. - Returns: None